How do I remove the [COOKBOOK] name in front of the recipe name?
Run NYC 6.03 and use Tools… Options… Printing tab, then uncheck “prefix recipe title with cookbook” so [COOKBOOKNAME] won’t show on recipe prints.
You may also wish to use Tools… Options… Menu tab and check “condense menu output” to get rid of the cookbook prefix on viewing and printing menus.
How do I print a nutrition item from the Nutrition Database?
1. Nutrition Database open (Nutrition… Database…)
2. Select a nutrition item in the Nutrition Database window
3. Press the Print menu item on the main NYC menu (see “Print Edit Help” on the main menu line, NOT on the Nutrition Database window).
Can NYC print on A4 paper?
NYC’s print options will work on A4 paper, even though NYC is designed for Letter size paper (8.5x11 inches). To use A4 paper, just put A4 paper into your printer, set the printer for A4, and set the printer driver for A4 (see Start menu… Printers and Faxes… right click your printer and select Properties, then make sure paper size is set to A4). The only print option that might have trouble on A4 is the 5.5x8.5 portrait (2 per page) index card option, because this option squeezes the recipe text all the way to the right side of the page, and NYC will be thinking Letter not A4 width so it may run out of room on some recipes using A4 paper. With any of the print options there may be a little wasted space at the bottom of the page because A4 is longer than Letter size.
How do I print a recipe’s image with the recipe?
If you print the recipe from the recipe selection window or using File… Print… recipes…, you will get an intermediate window with a checkbox “print image if available”. Make sure that box is checked and when the recipe prints, it will include the image.
For the purposes of printing a cookbook, how can I sort recipes within a category for the export or print?
Use File... Print... select "cookbooks", check "print to file", and then select all your categories for the print queue. You can open the resulting file in your text editor at the prompt. It will list the categories (sorted alphabetically), with recipes under each category (alphabetically by recipe name). Then you can import the text file into Word and do your formatting for publishing. See also NYC’s feature to publish a cookbook to a Word document directly (File… Publish Cookbook…).
How do I omit the source cookbook information (e.g., “Cookbook: C:\...”) from the printed recipes?
You can omit this information using Tools… Options… Printing Tab and uncheck “show cookbook ID”.
How do I get the "contributor/source" name to print on the recipes? Everything else appears to print, except this section.
NYC prints this info with the standard recipe print. It does not appear on the index card print outputs, which are condensed to save print space. We will be adding an option to print whatever fields you want on whatever output you want to use in a future version. For now, use the regular recipe print and see the contributor information on the “By:” line up under recipe name.
Can I use Avery 8386 4x6 index cards to print recipes with NYC?
Yes. NYC has no special setting for 8386 but one of our users has described how you can specify print margins in NYC’s Print Setup to make the print work. The following settings were used in File… Print Setup…
left margin=1.25 "
top margin=1.5"
bottom margin=1.25"
Then, when you print the recipes to the 4x6 cards, remember to click the "use Print Setup margins" rather than the NYC default margins. The NYC user reported this worked like a champ.
How do I send my recipes from NYC to a file that will work with Word so I can publish a cookbook?
Use File... Export Recipes... to export your NYC recipes to a generic text file, with the "no line breaks" checkbox checked. This will create a file that will work fine in Word - it will have line breaks after the ingredients but not the directions (they will wrap).
Or you may prefer to publish your NYC cookbook directly to a Word document using File… Publish Cookbook… (NYC v5.75 and higher).
I need to print a scaled recipe. The view shows the scaled recipe correctly, but when I print, it comes out with the original measurements! What am I doing wrong?
If you print a recipe using the Print menu selection with the recipe edit window open, it will print the scaled version that is showing in the edit window. If you want to save the scaled version so that the scaled version is printable from other windows, you will first need to check "allow scaled recipe to be saved" in Tools... Options... Editing...
Can I get the printed recipes to adapt to my own stationery, with logos, etc.?
You can use File... Print Setup... to set your top margin to accommodate your stationary header. You can also print to a file instead of to the printer, thus allowing you to do any kind of editing you desire.
How do I get a meal plan to print like it appears in the View Menu window (i.e., all in columns)?
Change your printer orientation to Landscape using Print Setup, then print from the View Menu window.
Can I use NYC to create a pretty, publishable cookbook?
NYC v5.75 and higher includes a File… Publish Cookbook… option that will publish your NYC cookbook to a Microsoft Word document using formatted templates (*.dot). This is the best and easiest way to create a publishable cookbook.
While NYC has numerous printing options for recipes and cookbooks, NYC is no replacement for a modern word processor like MS-WordTM or WordPerfectTM. These word-processors have sophisticated desktop publishing features like table of contents, index, page and section numbering, and multilayered text and graphics capabilities. We recommend that you use NYC to find, sort, categorize, and otherwise organize the recipes for your publishable cookbook, then export the recipes to a text file that can be opened with your word-processor to add cool indexes, table of contents, etc.
How do I tag (i.e., flag, mark) a group of recipes for later export, printing, or deleting?
In the recipe selection screen (Recipes... Recipes...), select a group of recipes and press the Tag button. To view the tagged list, press the "Tagged recipes" radio button. Untag recipes at this time by selecting a group and pressing Untag.
Is there a way to print an index (i.e., recipe names in each category)?
You can use NYC’s View menu, then select Category List With Recipes. When the list appears in Notepad, print from Notepad.
Alternatively, you can use File... Print... to print categories. When you are asked whether to include the recipe names in each category, answer "yes". This will print all categories and the recipe names in each category. Or use File… Print… Recipe Names… to print just an alphabetized list of recipe names in the cookbook.
How do I print just one recipe?
Use the File... Print... menu selection or the Print toolbar button. Select Recipes... and then select which recipe from the list of recipes in the open cookbook to print. Then press Print.
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Last Updated: 01/15/2025