Is it possible to compare 2 recipes that are in different cookbooks?
NYC has no direct way to do this but there is a workaround using a search across cookbooks. Let’s say you want to compare 2 bruschetta recipes in different cookbooks. Do a search ‘across cookbooks’ for the word ‘bruschetta’. Select 2 recipes in the search results, right-click one, and select Compare from the popup menu.
If you want to compare recipes across cookbooks that use a wok, search for ‘wok’ across cookbooks, then select 2 recipe in the search results, right-click one, and select Compare.
I want to keep a record of what family members like. I know how to analyze ratings by criteria, but not by rater. How best to do this?
NYC’s rating analysis plot uses only composite ratings, not
by individual ratings. If you open each recipe you can see each individual’s
There is a workaround to analyze ratings for an individual. But you would
need to create multiple copies of your cookbooks, with the individual's name in
the cookbook name, like
Then you could clear all ratings in each cookbook except for those of the
individual in the cookbook name. Then your composite rating for each recipe in
the relevant cookbook would be the individual's rating. Then use the
radio button “rated recipes” on the recipe list to see the recipe ratings,
sorted high to low. And the analysis plot would show only that
individual’s ratings.
How do I change the background color on the recipe edit window?
On the recipe edit window, press the Background… button, select a color, and press OK on the color dialog. Please note that this will change the background color on every recipe that you open thereafter.
Is there a quick way to display the total count of all recipes in the User Folder?
Total recipe count for all cookbooks in user folder is at the bottom of the cookbook list displayed when you select File… Open Cookbook… (Make sure you have Tools… Options… Cookbooks tab… “NYC-type with cookbook annotation” checked).
Suppose I import some recipes that had ratings attached to them. I'm not interested in their ratings, so is there a way to clear out these raters and their ratings globally without doing it recipe by recipe?
Raters and rating criteria are global across a cookbook and can be modified in the rating window. Open the recipe selection window and open a recipe, then press the Rate button. In the rating window you will see a Raters… button. Click that and you will see that you can selectively add and delete raters. Then save these changes, open a different recipe, press Rate button, and you will see that the raters list is changed globally (for all recipes in a cookbook). Removing a rater also removes that rater’s ratings. You can also globally add and remove rating criteria in the same fashion using the “Criteria…” button on the rating window.
The cookbook indexes *.rdx (ratings) and *.rli (raters, criteria) contain the rating info for each cookbook, but you should only attempt to modify these via NYC (not manually).
How do I duplicate a recipe? I can’t find a “Save As…” or “Save Recipe As…” anywhere.
Press the R toolbar button on the main interface (or use Recipes…. Recipes…), select a recipe, then press the Copy toolbar button on the recipe selection window. Give the copy a new name and press OK.
How do I delete “venison” recipes (for example) across all my cookbooks without having to open each cookbook?
Open the recipe selection window (use the R toolbar button), make sure “all recipes” radio button is selected, and press Search. In the search window, make sure “all cookbooks” is selected, check the “name” and “ingredients” check boxes, and type “venison” into the keyword textbox. Then press Search, and NYC will provide search results that include recipes across cookbooks with “venison” in the name or ingredients. Select them all in the search list and press Delete… button.
How can I delete a recipe while editing the recipe? It is too much trouble to close the recipe, look for it on the recipe list in the cookbook, delete it, and then try to find the spot you were last at in the recipe order.
There is already a very efficient way to do what you want to do. The tagging feature lets you tag recipes for later operations such as Delete, Export, etc. When you have a recipe open that you want to delete, just tag it (hit the Tag button on the recipe edit window). Then, when you are ready to delete the tagged recipes, select the tagged recipes radio button on the recipe selection list to display tagged recipes, press Select All, then press the Delete toolbar button.
You may want to remove the tagging from all recipes in the cookbook before you do this. To do this, use Tools... Data Management... Cookbooks tab... Untag Recipes button.
I cannot find any Help on how to customize the spell-checker. Where is it?
The spell-checker has its own help. Do a spell check on a recipe, then use the Help buttons on the spell checker window.
What is the best way to email NYC recipe(s)?
If you have NYC v5.62+ and a 32-bit MAPI-compliant email program, use the Email/Edit toolbar button on the recipe selection window.
For previous versions, or if you don’t have a MAPI-compliant email program, here is the easiest way to email an NYC recipe in a common format. Select recipe(s) in the recipe selection window (Recipes… Recipes…) and press the To Editor toolbar button. Press “NYC generic” and this will bring up the recipes in your editor (if not, check your editor specification in Tools… Options… External Applications tab… Text Editor…). It is then an easy matter to copy-paste them into an email.
If the email recipient is an NYC user, they can copy-paste the recipe(s) received from your email into NYC’s Screen Import window (Recipes… Screen Import…) and press the Import button. There is no need for them to identify recipe components because the recipe was pasted in NYC’s generic text format.
Is there a way to just click on a letter and get all recipes that start with “L”, for example? Your recipe selection list is alphabetized, but in a cookbook with hundreds of recipes, it's a lot of scrolling to get to the bottom.
Click on a recipe in the selection list, then hit L. NYC will take you to the top of the Ls.
I selected Swedish for the spelling checker language, but I cannot see it affecting the result in any way. How does the spelling checker work? How should I check that it works?
When you spell-check a recipe, and a misspelled word is found (according to the Swedish wordlist), the candidate words for changing the misspelled word are in Swedish. These show in the list on the spell check window when a misspelled word is found.
How can I clear all tagged recipes across all cookbooks?
To clear all tagged recipes from all cookbooks:
1. Select Tools… Data Management… Cookbooks tab…
2. Click on “all cookbooks” and press Untag Recipes…
How can I make a global change to all my recipes? For example: I want to change every occurrence of "all-purpose flour" to "flour, all-purpose". Can this be done without editing each recipe?
You can export your recipes to a text file using NYC generic text format, then edit the file with a text editor to make global changes, then import the text file back into a new cookbook (File… New Cookbook…) using File… Import Recipes… Alternatively, you can use NYC’s Global Find and Replace in Tools… Data Management… Text to Replace button with the “all cookbooks” radio button clicked.
Once a cookbook exceeds 1,000 recipes, it begins a second listing of the next 1,000 recipes and so on. Each 1,000 recipe list is in alphabetical order, but I would like to know if there is any way to see all recipes in one list, or to reorder the entire cookbook to alphabetize across these 1,000 recipe boundaries.
Yes, in NYC 5.46 and higher (see latest version ), there is an option in Tools... Options... Cookbooks tab... where you can increase the size of the recipe list sort buffer to display all recipes alphabetized together. If you have a fast machine, set it high (5,000-30,000); if you have a slow computer, set it low (1,000-5,000). The setting of 5000 recipes is the default.
I would like to scan the "index" of each of my numerous hardcopy cookbooks and store each recipe of the index in NYC so that I could do a search to, for example, find all of the chicken recipes. The only information I need would be the recipe name, the hard copy book it is in, category (chicken), and the page on which it is located. I have the knowledge about how to scan and convert using OCR. Where do I go from here? Should each recipe be a line in what kind of file (.txt)?
I suggest you edit your scanned index using a text editor and put it in NYC's generic text import format (see generic.txt for examples), where your recipe’s name would be the recipe "Name", its category would be "Categories", the hard copy cookbook name would be the "Contributor" and the page number as a single "Ingredient" in each recipe. Any other notes you wanted to add about the recipe could be in the “Directions”. Here is an example:
Chicken Salad
p. 34
Contributor: Mama’s Ancient Cookbook
Chicken Soup
chicken, soups
p. 118
Contributor: Betty Crocker Cookbook
and so forth for all your indexed recipes. Then use NYC's File... Import Recipes... feature to import the generic text "recipes" into an NYC cookbook, which can then serve as a master index of all your hard copy cookbooks. To test this out, create a new cookbook in NYC (File… New Cookbook…), name the cookbook “Master Index”, then copy paste the two recipes above into NYC’s Screen Import feature (Recipes… Screen Import…) then press the Import button.
Is there a way to FIND duplicates, not KILL them? Then I could tag them and look at them to kill the ones that I wanted to and re-name the "keepers".
You can turn off the dupe kill during import/export (see Tools... Options... Import/Export... "duplicate checking"). The duplicate recipes will then appear in the recipe list, and you can eliminate or rename them manually as you see fit.
The font size on the recipe edit window is too small for me to read. Is there a way to make it larger?
NYC has 2 settings: 10 pt and 8 pt font sizes in Tools… Options… Interface tab…(see checkbox “global screen font size”). Assuming you are already using 10 pt fontsize here, try these things:
1. Reduce your monitor’s video resolution to improve readability of the edit window on your monitor. If you are using 1024x768 or higher, try using 800x600. Set the video resolution using Control Panel… Display… Settings…
2. Increase the Windows display font size (Control Panel… Appearance… Display)
How can I indent lines in recipe directions? NYC seems to take it back to original. Is there something I am missing or am being too picky?
Lines of text in the directions textbox are word-wrapped, so that if you enlarge or reduce the directions window, the lines change accordingly. Thus, if you add spaces to try to make it line up the way you want it, when you resize the window you will have big spaces in your sentences that will look goofy. So you cannot really do what you are trying to do and have it look the same for any resized window. In short, you may be getting too picky.
You can use the Format button on the directions edit pane to remove any ugly leftover formatting from the import or other alteration. You can nicely delimit paragraphs by adding a blank line between them, rather than trying to indent them. Such “double carriage returns” are not removed by NYC with the Format button, so they will remain to delimit your paragraphs.
How do I dupe check the new recipes I imported without removing recipes from the other large databases?”.
Here is the way to do that. Always import into a new cookbook, then use Tools... Data Mgt... Cookbooks..., select "across all cookbooks", and press Kill Duplicates... In the window that pops up, see the "Find dupes between open cookbook and other cookbooks” area, and select the option to “kill dupes in the open cookbook”. Then press the Kill Dupes… button.
How do I enter the degree symbol into my recipe directions? I used to do it with Alt-0176, but that does not work anymore. How about other symbols, like ñ in jalapeño, etc.?
NYC has a button you can press to put the degree symbol into recipe directions. In Windows programs like NYC, you can alway copy-paste any special characters such as ñ from the Character Map (Start... Programs... Accessories... Character Map).
How do I use NYC to handle multi-part recipes (e.g., icing for cakes, sauce for main dishes, etc.)?
NYC allows you to use an ingredient header in your recipe ingredients to separate parts of a recipe. The ingredient header is an ingredient description that has no qty or unit, and its description begins and ends with 5 dashes, like "-----ICING-----" or "-----SAUCE-----".
How do I scale a recipe up from 4 servings to 10 servings?
NYC v5.10 and higher lets you specify number of servings or a multiplier by which NYC can rescale any recipe, regardless of whether or not the recipe lists a number of servings. Use the Resize... button on the recipe edit window to specify the new number of servings (or a multiplier). You can print a resized recipe, but you cannot save it with resized ingredients unless you have checked “allow resized recipe to be saved” in Tools… Options… Editing.
Meal-Master adjusts the quantities of the recipe according to the desired number of servings. The analogous function in NYC is the scale function, however, your scale function requires inputting a multiplier. So if I want to cook, for example, 7 portions of a recipe that lists 6 portions, I have to work out the correct multiplier. This is easy enough when using fractions (7/6), but for anyone who prefers decimals, this could be quite challenging. I would like to have the option to scale the ingredients by simply typing in the desired number of servings.
With NYC v5.10 and higher, you can scale by servings OR with a multiplier. The reason we favor the multiplier approach is because the servings approach forces the user to enter a number of servings for EVERY recipe, and many users prefer not to have to do this on recipes that they are not sure of. Also, for some recipes, a number of "servings" makes no sense because a recipe yields "2 loaves" of bread or a "dozen" cookies. Also, the number of servings depends on the size of the brutes sharing the recipe. Six servings for one family is only 3 servings for another. We could probably force every recipe to have a number of servings, or use a default to 4 whenever the user fails to specify one, but this is all unnecessary in our opinion. We prefer a simple multiplier, which applies to ingredient quantities and makes no presumption about, nor forces input of, a number of servings.
And by the way, you can enter your "number of servings" fraction as a multiplier, so a multiplier is just as easy. For example, to scale a 6 serving recipe up for 19 people, enter "19/6" as the multiplier. With this capability, NYC is actually more flexible because it removes the potential ambiguity associated with a "number of servings" and the pain of having to input this for each recipe, and is just as easy. Thus, the multiplier method is actually more accurate, more flexible, and more universal than using a number of servings on every recipe. But both approaches are available in the latest NYC versions.
How do I find and list all tagged recipes in all cookbooks?
From the recipe selection window (Recipes... Recipes...), select the "tagged" radio button, then press the Search... button. In the search dialog, click the "all cookbooks" radio button. Leave the search keyword text box blank (v5.15 and higher) and press the Search button.
This will find all recipes in the search range, so tagged recipes from all cookbooks will be listed in the Search Results window.
How do I tag (i.e., flag, mark) a group of recipes for later export, printing, or deleting?
In the recipe selection screen (Recipes... Recipes...), select a group of recipes and press the Tag button. To view the tagged list, press the "Tagged recipes" radio button. Untag recipes at this time by selecting a group and pressing Untag. You should first untag all previously tagged recipes using Tools… Data Mgmt… Cookbooks tab… Untag Recipes button.
How do I cut and paste a recipe from NYC into a newsgroup submittal?
The quickest way to do this is to select recipes in the recipe selection window and press To Editor toolbar button on that window, then press either NYC generic or Meal-Master, depending on the text format you want to use for the newsgroup post. Copy-paste from this editor window into your newsgroup article. You need not exit NYC to do this.
Is there a way to print an index (i.e., recipe names in each category)?
Use NYC’s View menu, then select Category List With Recipes. When the list appears in Notepad, print from Notepad.
You can also use File... Print... to print categories. When you are asked whether to include the recipe names in each category, answer "yes". This will print all categories and the recipe names in each category. Or use File… Print… Recipe Names… to print just an alphabetized list of recipe names in the cookbook.
How do I remove a recipe from a category (i.e., remove a category from a recipe)? I only see the option to unassign all recipes.
You need to "unassign" the recipe using the Recipes... Categorize Multiple Recipes... screen. When you open this window, you will see the categories on the left, the recipes in the selected category in the middle column. Click on a recipe in the middle column and press the Unassign from Category button. When you press Save, it will be unassigned from the category.
You can also edit the recipe, and press Categories... button from the edit window. Then click on categories in the Categories window to unassign the recipe from them.
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Last Updated: 01/15/2025