January-April 2020


How to Back Up NYC User Files to USB Drive


Use File… Backup… from NYC’s main menu to back up all your user files directly from NYC to a USB (or other external) drive.  When you use File… Backup…, you will notice that the default backup path is: 


C:\Users\Public\Documents\FFTS\Nyc596\user.date.time.nyb    (path will include whatever NYC version you are using, if you’re not using NYC 5.96)


which is a location on your computer’s hard drive.  To back up your files directly from NYC to a USB drive, you must change the drive letter in the back up file path to the drive letter mapped to your USB drive (assume it is G: for our purposes) and then shorten the file path to just the file name, like this:




You could also let NYC create a folder on your USB drive for all your NYC backups, by changing the back up path to this:


G:\NYC Backups\user.190429.153934.nyb  


NYC can create a single level folder like the above, but it cannot create a multi-level folder path (you will get an Error 75 or 76 if you try it).


FYI, the numbers in the backup filename are the date (yymmdd) and time (hhmmss).  So each successive backup will have a unique and different filename.



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