January 2008


How to Fix Nutrition Analysis Omissions


This tip provides the meaning and resolution for messages that appear in the Omissions window when you attempt a nutrition analysis.


"Conversion to grams not possible for:  (qty) (unit) (ingredient)."



The unit specified is not a mass unit, and no appropriate unit conversion was found in the nutrition database or in the unit conversions list.  



 NYC must be able to match up the measurement units exactly between what you use in your recipe vs what is in the unit conversion list or nutrition database.  For example, you will get  this error if you use "tsp." in your recipe ingredient but NYC uses "tsp" in these other places.  You can delete the trailing period from “tsp.” in your recipe ingredient to avoid this error.   To fix this error permanently, you can add a unit conversion (“tsp.” = “1 tsp”) using Shopping… Conversions… .


 For best results, here are suggestions for using units in recipes for which you need nutrition analysis.  Use:

  1.  common mass units (g, oz, lb, kg, etc) - NYC looks for these first

  2.  mass qualified units - i.e., use "medium (4 oz)" or whatever instead of "medium".  NYC looks for these second. 

  3.  units that match the first word in the nutrition item’s volume unit description - NYC checks these next.

  4.  units that match conversions in your conversions table (Shopping... Conversions...) - NYC checks these last.


 If NYC cannot find an appropriate unit conversion in any of the above for the unit on your recipe ingredient, it gives the "Conversion not possible" message.


"No nutrition link for recipe ingredient: (ingredient)."



No nutrition link exists for this recipe ingredient. 



Each ingredient must be linked to a nutrition item in the nutrition database before the nutrition analysis can be completed.  Relink the ingredient:  Open the recipe, dbl-click the ingredient, select an appropriate nutrition database item, and press the Link button.


"Quantity or unit missing for ingredient: (ingredient)."



Recipe ingredient has a missing quantity or unit.



NYC needs both quantity and unit for each recipe ingredient to enable a nutrition analysis.  Open the recipe, select the ingredient, and enter a quantity and unit.  For example, if you were just using “1 egg” (missing unit), then make it “1 medium egg”.  If you were using “salt to taste” with no unit or quantity, this is ambiguous and NYC cannot quantify it for the nutrition analysis.  You must replace such ambiguity with quantity and unit (i.e., use “1 pinch salt”).  The more accurate you specify your ingredients, the more accurate is NYC’s nutrition analysis.


"The ingredient: (ingredient) is linked to a nutrition item that has been deleted."



The ingredient was previously linked to a user-defined nutrition item that was later deleted.



Relink the ingredient:  Open the recipe, dbl-click the ingredient, select an appropriate nutrition database item, and press the Link button.


"Can't convert  (qty) to decimal for:  (qty) (unit) (ingred). "



The quantity is ambiguous (e.g.,"6 to 8", "6 - 8") or has other problems that interfere with conversion to decimal.



Assess the ambiguity.  Open the recipe, select the ingredient, and replace the quantity with an unambiguous number.


"Nutrition link needs updating for recipe ingredient: (ingredient)."



The recipe ingredient appears to be linked to a nutrition item from an older USDA database. 



Try using Tools... Data Mgt... Nutrition... Adjust Links to a New Nutrition Database... on the cookbook containing this recipe.  If that fails, relink the ingredient:  Open the recipe, dbl-click the ingredient, select an appropriate nutrition database item, and press the Link button.


"Nutrition link to non-existent item for recipe ingredient: (ingredient)."



The recipe ingredient appears to be linked to a nutrition item that no longer exists in the USDA database. 



Relink the ingredient:  Open the recipe, dbl-click the ingredient, select an appropriate nutrition database item, and press the Link button.



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