July 2004
Analyze Nutrition for a Specific Recipe, Meal, or Day
of a Meal Plan
To get a nutrition analysis for a specific recipe, meal, or day of a meal plan:
1. Select Menu… Plan… or press the Menu button on the toolbar.
2. If not already displayed, open the menu that you want to analyze (File… Open Menu…).
3. Select the menu day that you want to analyze (click the calendar icon in the Menu Day frame, or use the red arrows to scroll through days).
4. Click the meal in the day’s menu that you want to analyze.
5. If you want to analyze a single recipe out of the menu day, select it.
6. Select Nutrition… Analysis… from the menu.
7. In the popup dialog box, click:
· “selection” (to analyze the selected recipe)
· “selected meal” (to analyze the selected meal)
· “this day” (to analyze the selected day)
· “all days” (to analyze the entire meal plan)
1. Press the Analyze button on the popup window.
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