March-April 2011


How to Work With Recipe Ratings


NYC's default rating system includes one rater ('NYC User') and one rating criterion ('rating'), but you can customize it for as many raters (e.g., 'Mom, Dad, Susie, Tom') and criteria (e.g., 'cheap, easy, tasty, fun') as you wish.  To use the rating feature, first establish your raters and rating criteria as follows.


 Modify Raters and Rating Criteria


Select Recipes… Recipes… click on a recipe name in the list then click the Rate toolbar button.  You can then modify raters and rating criteria that are being used in the open cookbook's rating system as follows.


To add raters:

1.  Press the Raters... button.

2.  Type rater names (“Susie”, “Sam”, etc.) in the textbox and press Add.


To delete raters:

1.  Select the rater name in the list.

2.  Press the Delete button just above the list.


Rating criteria should be always expressed in a positive manner, such as "tastes good" rather than "tastes bad", because NYC assumes that the maximum rating of 5 represents the best (highest) rating for EACH criterion.  This standard is necessary because NYC computes a composite rating by averaging ratings across all criteria.


To add rating criteria:

1.  Press the Rating Criteria... button.

2.  Type rating criteria (“tastes good”, “easy”, “inexpensive”, etc.) in the textbox and press Add.  


To delete rating criteria:

1.  Select a rating criterion in the list.

2.  Press the Delete button just above the list.


Rate a Recipe


To rate a recipe from the recipe selection window (Recipes... Recipes...):


1.  Select a recipe in the list.

2.  Press the Rate toolbar button on the recipe selection window.

3.  In the rating window that pops up, select the rater.

4.  Select a rating (1 to 5 max.) for each of the rating criteria listed.

5.  Press OK.


To rate a recipe from the recipe edit window (Recipes... Recipes... dbl-click recipe name):


1.  Press the Rating tab on the recipe edit window.

2.  In the rating window that pops up, select the rater.

3.  Select a rating (1 to 5 max.) for each of the rating criteria listed.

4.  Press OK.


Obtain Recipe List Sorted By Rating


To see a list of rated recipes sorted by rating:


1.  Open a window with a recipe list (e.g., Recipes... Recipes..., Menu... Plan..., etc.).

2.  Press the 'rated recipes' toolbar button.


The list shows rated recipes, along with their composite ratings, in descending order of rating. 


Analyze Recipe Ratings


 To analyze recipe ratings for two criteria at a time:


1.  Select Recipes... Analyze Ratings...


A plot appears showing all recipes that are rated for the two rating criteria shown in the dropdown boxes.  Select different criteria as needed for the analysis you want (i.e., you want to see recipes that are “inexpensive” and “easy”.   Points representing recipes with the highest of both criteria will appear toward the upper right corner of the plot window, where 'MAX' is displayed and concentric quarter circles appear.


Redisplay the plot for other rating criteria by selecting criteria in the dropdown boxes.


To see the recipe name associated with a plotted point:

1.  Click on the point.


To enlarge or shrink the points:

1.  Press the '+' or '-' buttons, respectively,  in the Point Size frame.


Transfer Ratings During Recipe Import/Export


Recipe ratings (including raters and rating criteria) are transferred between NYC cookbooks during importing and exporting of recipes.  To avoid transfer of new raters and/or rating criteria between cookbooks, use Tools... Options... Import/Export tab…, and uncheck the boxes for “transfer new raters” and “transfer new rating criteria”.



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