May-August 2020


Nutrition Analysis With Embedded Recipe


NYC can do a nutrition analysis when you have a recipe embedded in another recipe (for example, an icing recipe embedded in a cake recipe), if you set it up correctly.  Here is how:


Using the cake and icing example, create a recipe for “Chocolate Icing”, make sure all icing ingredients are linked to nutrition items, then get its nutritional analysis using Nutrition… Analysis (Recipe)… with the recipe edit window open.  Then use the button “Add to Nutrition Database” on the analysis window.  You will now have a nutrition item “#chocolate icing” in the nutrition database.  FYI, user-defined nutrition items in this list are prefixed with “#” sign.


Then, create another recipe for the cake, add the ingredient “Chocolate Icing” (your embedded recipe), and link it to “#chocolate icing” in the nutrition database.


The nutrition analysis will then include the icing recipe analysis with the cake recipe analysis.



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