May - August 2025
How to Compare Two Recipes Side-by-Side
NYC 6.03 and higher include this feature. Select 2 recipes in any recipe list, right-click one and select ‘Compare’ from the popup menu. ‘View’ and ‘Compare’ appear when you right-click recipes in recipe list. ‘View’ opens a quick-view of the recipe that the cursor was hovering over.
Comparing recipes in different list buffers:
If the number of recipes in a list exceeds the recipe list buffer size you have set, NYC will buffer the list. ‘Compare’ only works on recipes selected in the same buffered list. You cannot select recipes that are in different buffers. Thus, to use ‘Compare’ on a large cookbook, you should increase the recipe list buffer size (see Tools… Options… Cookbooks tab… ‘recipe list buffer size’) so that all recipes are listed together in one buffer. This is more critical in a search results list after a search across cookbooks, where the total number of recipes across cookbooks can require an even larger buffer size (in NYC 6.03 and higher, see Tools… Options… Search tab… ‘search results buffer size’).
Comparing recipes in different cookbooks:
To compare 2 recipes in different cookbooks, search for recipes ‘across cookbooks’ with a common word in the title, then Compare recipes in the search results. For example, let’s say you want to compare 2 bruschetta recipes. Perform a search ‘across cookbooks’ for the word ‘bruschetta’. In the search results, select 2 recipes in different cookbooks, right-click one, and select ‘Compare’. Broaden the initial search using a common recipe ingredient, checking the ‘ingredients’ checkbox on the Search window.
Comparing recipes in the edit menu recipe list:
To use ‘Compare’ properly in the edit menu window (Menu… Plan…), first uncheck ‘plan’ mode, so the act of selecting 2 recipes to compare does not add a clicked recipe to your meal plan.
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