November-December 2011


Spawning a New Cookbook with Different Categories from an Old Cookbook


Let’s suppose you have a cookbook with a lot of recipes and you want to spawn off a new cookbook with only two of the categories.  There are several ways to do this, but here are three, with the easiest one first:


Save Cookbook As and Merge Categories


 1.  Save your cookbook as a new cookbook (File... Save Cookbook As...). 

 2.  Make sure the new cookbook includes the two categories you want (Recipes… Cookbook Categories…).   

 3.  In the new cookbook, map categories as appropriate into the two categories that will remain (Recipes... Cookbook Categories... Map To button). 

 4.  Use Recipes… Categories… to delete unwanted categories in the new cookbook, and you are done.


Export and Delete Unwanted Categories


1.      Select File… Export… to a NYC Cookbook.

2.      Provide a filename for the new cookbook.

3.      In the Export window, click a category that you want, then press the << arrow button to put the recipes in the export queue.

4.      Repeat step 3 for the categories you want.

5.      Open the new cookbook you just created.

6.      Use Recipes… Categories… to delete unwanted categories in the new cookbook.


Move Recipes and Delete Unwanted Categories


1.      Select Recipes… Recipes… and click a category you want in the new cookbook.

2.      Select all recipes in the category and press the Move toolbar button.

3.      Enter the filename of the cookbook to which you want the recipes moved.

4.      Select “no” to the prompt to remove the recipes from your existing cookbook (unless you want them removed).

5.      Repeat steps 2-4 for each category you want.

6.      Open the new cookbook you just created.

7.      Use Recipes… Categories… to delete unwanted categories in the new cookbook.


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