September - December 2021


Using UNC network paths in lieu of drive letters with NYC


NYC allows use of UNC (Universal Naming Convention) network paths in lieu of mapped drive letters in several activities (e.g., moving the user folder, using File… Backup… and Restore…).  Please NOTE:  You MUST have read AND write access to the network folder that you specify.


Moving the NYC user folder to a UNC path


For example, let’s say you don’t use mapped drives but you want to move your official NYC user folder to another computer on your network using UNC paths.  Start by using NYC’s Tools… Options… User Folder tab… .  Then edit the path in the textbox under “Specify a new location for your User Files”.  Instead of specifying a mapped drive letter path like  




you would specify a UNC path like:




Using NYC Backup and Restore with UNC paths


Use NYC’s File… Backup… and edit the textbox under “Backup filename” or use the Browse button to browse to a network location.  Instead of the default mapped drive path like:




you could specify a UNC path like:




Again, you MUST have read AND write access to the network folder.


To restore a file from the backup, use NYC’s File… Restore… and enter the same UNC path (or use the Browse… button) entered for the File… Backup, such as:






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