September 2007


How to List All Recipes at Once


NYC’s recipe lists are shown to you by default in 2000 recipe batches, so the list of recipes can be refreshed quickly.  If you prefer to see all recipes in the list at once, you need to increase the list buffer.  Here is how to set NYC to show all recipes at once in the recipe lists:


1.      Select Tools… Options… Cookbooks… and see “maximum #recipes in recipe list sort buffer”.  Using the droplist, set the number to something higher than the number of recipes in the cookbook.  In other words, if you have 3700 recipes, select the 5000 setting.  If you have 29,000 recipes, select the 30,000 setting. 


This will slow the list fills somewhat, especially if you have a high number of recipes in the cookbook, but you will be able to list all recipes.





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